25 July 2010

Marriage in 2010

If you want to get a sense of that the world considers to be marriage with a bit of religion thrown read this. It is a nightmare on so many levels, one does not even know where to start. This is the world, and it is a mess.


Rev. Eric J Brown said...

As a Def Leppard fan, part of me is very happy that their guitarist can help to define anything socially in 2010. But yes, this is quite sad. . . and what's sadder is that it is supposed to be romantic. . . I think.

David Jay Webber said...

Most people today - even in the churches - would read this, and not think there was anything particularly wrong with this story. Most people today make up their spirituality as they go. God is like the flashlight they carry, and that they turn on and off as needed, and point in whatever direction they feel like going. God is not, in today's religious mentality, the immovable Sun of Righteousness, who transcendently sheds his light for all people all the time.

Ginny said...

this is almost too weird for comment. This is the wedding the Times chose to feature...what IS the world coming to? It begins with two attached people, attached to other people...and somehow this is considered romantic?

Larry Luder said...

Thank you for this post Rev Ball. This is indeed a nightmare on so many levels. What people, who are outside of Christ, do or think do not surprise me anymore. I actually found Eddie more interesting. He is a interfaith ordained minister performing weddings and commitment ceremonies. The ordination must be fascinating. Sorry, back to the post; we don’t need to look at the world to see the mess. Just a peek at mainstream Christianity, where Jesus is made in our image. There are men and women with your prefix, under the name of Jesus Christ, who follow the great deceiver. Now that is something to talk about. My prayers are for our synodical pastors to be faithful and not take lightly premarital counseling.

Joy and Peace

Chad Myers said...

This is the logical conclusion of divorce and remarriage and of the use of artificial contraception (putting a physical or chemical barrier between the one flesh).